Root Canals in Dallas, North Carolina
Don’t let your tooth infection worsen; call Dr. Crawford today!
Everyone has experienced a toothache at one time or another, but it’s troublesome if pain lasts for more than a few hours. Persistent irritation is usually the sign of a much more serious problem, and as with most other issues, trouble in your tooth won’t go away if you ignore it. Consult Dr. Crawford for an examination to find out if you need a root canal. She’s experienced with providing this sort of emergency dentistry care for her patients, and has the required skill set to alleviate your pain.
Why do I need a root canal?
A root canal is necessary if bacteria reach the nerve inside a tooth. This nerve and its surrounding tissue are also referred to as the ‘pulp’. Once contaminants reach the pulp, your nerve will begin to ache, signaling that something is wrong. Because the infection lies deep within the tooth far away from blood vessels that carry antibodies, your body won’t be able to fight it off naturally. If you don’t want to lose your tooth, a root canal from Dr. Crawford is your only option.
It’s a pretty simple procedure. In her relaxing Dallas, NC office, Dr. Crawford can perform an examination and root canal. She’ll go through the layers of enamel where the deterioration is taking place, and remove the dead or damaged tissues in the pulp. After she’s removed as much of the debris as she can, Dr. Crawford will cleanse the area to flush out remaining bacteria. She may even administer an antibiotic ointment around the space. Then, your tooth will be filled with a composite resin, which can prevent germs from finding their way back inside the tooth and continuing their dirty work. Dr. Crawford will then place a crown on the area, which works as a barrier against wear, tear, and other contaminants.
If you’re still a little nervous about combating your dilemma, Dr. Crawford can prescribe you an oral sedative. You’ll go to her office to pick up the prescription, have it filled, and then take it prior to your root canal. Our staff will assist you with any questions that you may have, and we’ll explain the steps again before you leave our Dallas, North Carolina practice to receive your medication. Remember, you can’t get help if we don’t know about it. Call us to find out more about our root canal and sedation dentistry.
Dr. Crawford performs root canals for patients in Dallas, Applecreek Village, Gastonia, Bessemer City, and surrounding North Carolina locations. Our staff wants you to receive the urgent care you need, when you need it, so contact our office today to schedule your appointment. The Dallas, North Carolina team is gentle, friendly, and more than happy to take action when it comes to easing your discomfort. Additionally, Dr. Crawford has a variety of family dentistry services available to provide quality care to your whole family!